
  • A soluble concentrate herbicide for the control of annual broadleaf weeds, as listed, in lawns and turf.
  • Is a selective herbicide for the control of numerous broadleaf weeds in lawn.
  • Is a suspension concentrate contact fungicide for the preventive control of black spot (roses), leaf spot and rust (gladiolus) and various lawn diseases.
  • A systematic emulsifiable concentrate shrub and tree killer.
  • A ready to use non-selective, systemic, foliar applied herbicide for the control of certain broadleaf and grass weeds on paving and surrounding areas.
  • A foliar applied systemic herbicide, with little or no soil activity, for the control of many annual and perennial weeds in the home garden.
  • A selective weedkiller as a solution for the control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds as listed in turf and lawns.